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Raising Awareness at NUS

I'm incredibly inspired, motivated and energised by the love and support, not to mention the physical hard work, expressed by staff and volunteers from #NUS PEACE and Raffles Museum Toddycats. As the ongoing fund raising campaign ( is largely a virtual one, where backers pledge their support from behind their screens all over the world, it is truly refreshing and absolutely necessary that I've had the opportunity to share about theHimalayan Mutt Project in person with an enthusiastic audience who share our concern for the plight of dogs and wildlife in the Himalaya. It is such a privilege for me have had this time to answer questions and exchange thoughts and views about the project face to face. The Himalayan Mutt Project is a partnership that connects people within Nepal as well as from around the world. We cannot do the work we do without the concern from the global community, neither is it possible without the willingness and co-operation of locals in the villages and our veterinary team that is based in Nepal.

At this evening's talk, I shared, "Today we've learned the story of the Himalayan Mutt Project, and a story about the wildlife in Nepal. Everyone here is now a part of this story. Help us share this story, so that one day the villagers can tell a story about how they once had to cull their dogs, but now no longer have to." The most direct way to help us is to give a pledge at BEFORE 22 Feb. Help us get there. Because there's only one Himalaya and it belongs to all of us.

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