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Return to Manang

As much as we’d like it, change doesn’t happen overnight. We are determined, but need your continued support. Here is your opportunity to participate in our efforts.

What began with a casual trek in search of red panda, has transformed into a journey that has led us to form new partnerships, make new friends, and touch new volunteers from all over the world. The support given to us in 2014 is an indication that you believe in our work and want to keep the Himalaya safe for dogs, people and its wildlife.

Hanyan and Jonathan were some of the kind volunteers who gave us a huge helping hand when they encountered our camp in Pisang, Braga and Manang.

Many of you who have contributed have not been to the Himalaya, but dream of one day being able to witness the roof of the world for yourself. We want to help keep that dream alive, by helping you preserve the Himalaya as it has been depicted in so many of the photographs and documentaries that you have seen.

HMP Founder, Mukhiya Gotame (red jacket), educates local shepherds about the sterilisation procedures and encourages them to neuter their dogs.

Before we began this journey, we knew that Himalayan wildlife and dogs needed our help. But we have since learned that it is more desperate than we thought. Unwanted and unwelcome dogs in villages are not only at risk of being culled, they are also subject to abuse, simply because there is one to look out for them. We also encountered dog owners who loved their dogs but did not have the means or knowledge of how to best provide for their dogs. By letting their dogs roam the streets, pet dogs get into fights and potentially die or become disabled by wounds that could have been treated if they just had the means or awareness of how to protect their dogs.

Many dogs encountered were malnourished and skinny. Sick dogs become aggressive, and dog owners chain them up, not knowing how to cope with aggressive dogs.

Our role in the Himalaya is not only to neuter and vaccinate dogs, but to educate the community about how they can become responsible for their dogs, and thus contribute to the well-being of their community. Controlling the dog population protects livestock, people, other pet animals like cats, and not to mention, the Himalayan wildlife. Our presence presents an example and your support helps provide the means with which people in the Himalaya can maintain a way of life that is harmony with their culture and landscape.

Villager in Ngarwal (3,900m) helps us round up local street dogs to be brought to our camp.

Let’s do this together. Help us keep our work in the Himalaya alive by donating generously to our campaign!

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